Thursday, March 26, 2009

Where's my BEST & USA?

On my last post, I had posted BoA Full Album Preview and also a preview of the I Did It For Love MV. If you had missed it, watch it here.

The BEST & USA album was finally released on 18 March 2009. I went to CD-Rama to see if they have it in stock on 19 March 2009. Unfortunately, not only that they do not have it in stock, the staff doesn't even know that there's such an album! I thought that the staff were supposed to know such things, such as when it will arrive and such? Goodness!

I had gone back to CD-Rama yesterday, 25 March 2009, Wednesday. There's not sight of the album. It's been more than a week and there's no news at all. How slow could they be? -_-|||

Meanwhile, I have already listened to several full versions of her songs and there were several that I like/love so far. I shall post it below for you all to listen to.

In random order:

Scream is a haunting and dark song. based on the lyrics, it makes me thinks of vampires, werewolves, and other dark creatures that roam the night. After listening to the original version by Monrose and the cover by BoA. I decided that although BoA had done quite a decent job singing it, I think that it would be better if she could sing in a even dark and chilly way like Monrose. It would bring out even better the effect of the song. =D

Scream by BoA

Original Version: Scream by Monrose

Girls On Top was originally a Korean song by BoA about girl power. It was later sang in Chinese and English as well. In her album, BoA, the lyrics was changed to fit the rhythm of the song. However, the meaning of the song remains the same.

Girls On Top by BoA, English

Girls On Top by BoA, Korean

Did Ya by BoA

That's all of the songs I had listened to and like for now. It's amazing but somehow, the more I listened to her album, the more I am starting to like it more and more. I have to admit that all the song are catchy but ballads next time please!

Since Utada Hikaru had also just released her English album, This Is The One, I had managed to sneak in listening to a few of her songs as well. The songs that I like are as below.

Come Back To Me by Utada

This One (Crying like a child) by Utada

Alright, that's all for today. Let's hope that BEST & USA hits our shore more quickly!

P.S I am thinking about getting This Is The One...

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