Thursday, May 21, 2009 goes on...

I finally got up the courage to get contact lenses.

I had wanted to get coloured contact lenses but upon hearing that I am a first timer, the optician advised me to let my eyes have a chance to get used to clear contacts first beforing exploring the other types of many designs which contact lenses offer. As I have already decided that I will only be wearing contact lenses when I am wearing Lolita or during some special occasion, daily contact lenses would be the way to go. The optician introduced me to a brand called Biomedics. According to her, it's quite a decent brand. I noticed that it's the same brand as my friend's contact lenses as well. I am not really sure if it's spelled that way since I only got a glimpse of the brand name when she showed me the brochure. I will confirm again once I had receieved it. ^0^

Being a first timer with contact lenses, I will have to go through a lesson with the optician to learn how to put on and take care of the lenses. According to her,some might be able to get the contact lenses in and out of their eyes quickly while for the others, they still couldn't get it even after DAYS of lesson and coaching.

I hope that I will be a fast learner and that I will have the courage to do it. Plus, I hope that it will be as comfortable as possible! I don't want to be stuck with irritating and dry eyes! No risk!

My battle shall begin tomorrow...I hope that it will be a quick one, with me as the last one standing, proudly doing so. For victory must be mine!


I am tired..and I still have tons of projects and revising to do for the tests are in two weeks time. ARGH!

I shalln't type any more for I still have my WDS Project Proposal to take care of...*I am typing this in my school library you see...*

I had another long post detailing of the past happenings since I had started school...I will finish it and publish it here...when I have time...


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