Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Of course! I need make-up!

As I had mentioned before, I will be going to a make-up class on this upcoming Saturday, 30th May 2009. Being free of charge, we will need to bring our own make-up and I don't have any!

The list of items we will be required to at least bring is as below:

Free Standing Mirror (important!)
Personal Foundation
Eyebrow Pencils
Eyeliner (can be liquid, pencil or gel)
Some Eyeshadow Colours (any will do, and all should try to bring so that they can try the colours)
Mascara, Fake Eyelashes
Blushers and Lip Colours
Brushes; it’ll be best to have their own so that they can try.
Make Up Remover

Please introduce me to some good and easy to use cosmetics items for the items in the list above! Most of all, the items must be in affordable range and best if it can be found in Wastons or Star Dust. No expensive brands like Anna Sui, Estée Lauder etc please! I don't have tons of allowance to spend on unlike some of you out there.

Another note is that I am a newbie in make-up...thus, easy to use is very important as well! ^0^

Just send me an email, sms, or call or leave (a) tag(s) at my tag board to tell me! ~\(=^0^=)/~

Thanks~ =D

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