Monday, May 25, 2009

Delay of new blog post...

Hi everyone~!

Yes, I know that I hadn't been updating my blog as regularly as I has been during the holidays.

I regret to inform you that I most probably wouldn't be updating my blog for this and maybe the first few days of next week.


This week is the 6th week since I had started school and 3 of my major projects are required to be given to my teachers for a feedback review or graded. Thus, I needed to spend more of my time on the projects instead of blogging.

Not to forget that I have 3 term test papers next week, namely on 1st and 2nd of June 2009. The latest that the papers will end for each day will be 4.30pm.

The timetable for my Term Test next week are as below:

1st June 2009, Monday
Web Design 10am-11.30am
Computing Mathematics 3pm-4.30pm

2nd June 2009, Tuesday
Problem Solving and Programming 3pm-4.30pm

According to my knowledge, if there are no papers on that day, I wouldn't have to go to school. So...looks like from 3rd June and onwards, it's holidays for me! Officially, my holidays will start from 6th June 2009 to 21 June 2009. =D

I long for the holidays!

Yet...according to my teachers, the workload will be even heavier after this break...


The workload for this term is considered light?! O.O because I haven't adjusted to this way of studying...I hope that this is the reason...

Alright, two posts are in draft stages now and you should be seeing them soon...and...

I am going to a Lolita Make Up Class this Saturday! It's free!

*That's why I bought contact lenses for a (hopefully) bigger and better change.*

I hope that the result will be a very kawaii me like those models in Gothic and Lolita Bible, Kera etc.

That's all! =D

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