Friday, May 22, 2009

Today's the day...

That's right today's the big day where I have to go on to the battlefield for a battle!

Who am I battling with? In this case, it's just me, myself and I alone.

It all goes down to courage.

Do I have the courage to put the contact lenses in and take it out?

Perhaps to some of you out there, this is child's play.

Yet to me, this is something frightening and unknown. What if...? What if...? What if...? Come on, this is my eyes we are talking about.

Then again, if those people can do it, then I can too.

Cheer for me. For I will hear your encouragements no matter where you are.

Only around 2 hours and 19 minutes and still counting down to my fight down at the battlefield.

Let this be quick and painless...*with me winning of course*


Brave Warrior*I hope >.<*

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