Saturday, June 27, 2009

My hair curled~

A quick post.

Since I still have my WDS Proposal to do...

Below: Picture of my hair curled~
If you can see some brown strands of hair, no, I didn't get dyed or have extensions or something. My natural hair have different shades from black to brown. It's all natural...^0^

Liese was having a roadshow at the Level One of Tampines Mall on 26 June 2009, Friday. If you buy a Liese product, you will be able to get a free hair makeover by the stylist there.

I bought a Liese Hair Cocktail in Light which was supposed to be able to tame my hair. Filled in some forms and after around ten minutes of waiting, finally sat on the chair where the, oh so magnificent, hair stylist shall decide which hair style suits me better.

After I had untied my hair, both the MC and the hair stylist kept going on and on how long my hair is while I was, like, "Is that so?". Maybe it's due to me being used to the length of my hair after such a long time.

After analyzing the natural waves I had and the length of my fringe, which I must get it trimmed soon, the hair stylist, Boon, decided that big curls were the way to go. I had always wanted to try out curls for Lolita and this was a really good time to do so. He used a 32mm Babyliss curling tong and curled my hair. Throughout the whole process, he gave me tons of tips on how to create the look I was going for while I took this opportunity to bombard him with tons of questions.

I was quite pleased with the final result. It was the first time I had done curls and frankly speaking, I had wanted to get curling tongs for a long time. Now that i know how to use it, I am more tempted than ever to get one. The search for a curling tong is now on...too bad I can't find Babyliss here...I think.

If you can't see the picture clearly, the curls are just something like you will see in a Japanese magazine or in Liese/Lucido-L products images. It was too bad as I had my hair re-bonded before so the curl was quite droopy when I got home.

Any recommendations for a good curling tong? Preferably 32mm curling tongs. =D

Speaking of hot tools, my friend, Adelyn, is interested to get a straightener too, Maybe we can buy hot tools together. Hoho~

Monday, June 22, 2009

A busy week ahead...and should I watch Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen?

The weeks ahead of me are certainly not a slacking/relaxing period for me. I had tons of relaxing time. After all, I had almost totally ignored all school projects during the two weeks break. What had I done during the two weeks break besides reading novels, shopping, surfing the net and watching Absolute Boyfriend? Nothing much.

Yes, go ahead, if you wish to take lessons on slacking from me, just contact me. I will tell you if I still have a class available.

If it wasn't for Makiyo asking about the Java Assignment, I wouldn't even have known that such an assignment existed.

I can't afford to slack now though. Two weeks wasted and I have got to buck up.

The projects submission dates are coming soon. I don't wish to get zero marks.

This week is officially known as Week 10.

WDS Proposal due Week 11. CARC presentation due in Week 14. Java is due in Week 12. iHCI is due in Week 16.

Horrors of horrors!

With all of the projects due date so closely packed together, there's no way that I can spare any extra time for play. Enough of play. My motivation~ My motivation for studies~ You have been missing for more than ten years~ Come back to me~!!!

My brother suggested that by focusing on a goal will help. Alright. Let's hope that it works.

I am most worried about the Java assignment is the current hardest assignment I had ever encountered. I had no idea on how to start.

Goodness. Looks like I really need to buck up and pay more attention in class!

On a sidenote, after reading the review for the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, in which the reporter gave it only two out of five stars, I wondered if I still wanted to watch it. The way the reporter described it, there's nothing much worth in it. Just like another typical Hollywood movie. Behind all the explosion and stuff, it's just an empty shell inside. I had actually wanted to watch it together with Adelyn this Friday but seeing that my WDS proposal is due soon, and that the review is so bad, I wondered if I still do wish to spend $6 on it. Even if I do, perhaps I might push it until next Monday, after school, after the submission of my WDS proposal. At least I can chill out a little for that 150 minutes.


Scott Westerfeld has talked to the Uglies producers and it seemed that everything seems to be fine so far. I will define fine in my next-not-so-soon post. I do wish that they will make a good movie out of it. Not just another attractive Hollywood packaging with nothing inside. The story has depth in it. It has an essence in it. I hope that they will portray it well. If nicely done, according to the Uglies novel, I supposed that it could have easily been given four to four and a half stars by those picky reviewers.

Yes, Uglies novel is that good. So they better not fluke it. Or us Uglies fans are going to be very angry indeed. That's not a pretty sight they want to see.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

My Office Lady Clothes.

I had finally gotten my Office Lady(OL) Clothes. I had purposely waited for the Great Singapore Sale to arrive before shopping for my OL Clothes.

After all, I am born with a silver spoon in my mouth, and I should save as much as possible. Plus, I am in debt as I have been spending tons on money on assorted stuff for the past few months. Sadly, I had to pay for the OL Clothes assemble myself too.

Why do I need OL Clothes? I had just learned recently, when I first start my Polytechnic life that upon completing certain projects, it's not just as simple submitting it and you are done. You have to present it to your teachers and fellow classmates. Yes,marks are involved.

Plus, according to the CARC Case Study Guide at the Presentation Tips & Tricks section, they mentioned that:

Formal wear is required:
oFor gentleman: appropriate shirt, tie, pants, blazer and shoes.
oFor ladies: appropriate top, skirt or pants, blazer and shoes.

Seriously speaking, if there isn't a dress code to abide to, I certainly wouldn't waste my money on such clothes. After all, it's certainly not something you could wear everyday.

Alas, for the sake of the marks, I have to bear with it. Anyway, if I take good care of the clothes, I am sure that I will be able to wear them once I had started working. I wondered how everyone looks in the formal wear though. =P

I had totally splurged on the Guess bag. I had not intended to do so initially but seeing that the cheaper bags were smaller than I like and the designs was not that pretty. I liked that this bag was formal enough and also extremely big enough for my laptop, files, lecture notes and stuff. After all, I am bound to have lessons before/after the actual presentation. Hopefully, it will last me through the years and please don't break under the strain from the stuff I always carry! After glancing at the price tag, I found out that this bag was meant as a Diaper Bag. That explains the many compartments and the size of the bag. Oh well, as long as it is able to store all my stuff in...

On a side note, I have to say that even such a huge bag in terms of price, isn't comparable to my A4 size Lolita PVC Bag which cost me around $240. I was once again reminded on how expensive Lolita is.

I had wanted to get those chunky heels shoes but since they didn't have what I want, and that I can't walk in those stilettos, considering I have been wearing Sports Shoes for most of my life, I had to adopt to Kitten Heels. I was choosing between two designs at that time. One was a very typical more mature pointy front higher Kitten Heels and the other was what I eventually bought. I don't like pointy shoes and besides, the Kitten Heels that I eventually bought was more sweet, more youthful and it is more likely that I can pair it with my usual casual outfits. ^0^ Even though it was only 3cm high, I wasn't used to kitten heels so I felt like I was in wobbly land when I tried it on. I have been wearing that pair of shoes at home to loosen it up and also to get use to it. I am glad that I had gotten this pair of shoe. ~\(=^0^=)/~

Pictures below:

Note: The price stated below are post discounted price.

Below: The full OL set
Blazer and Pants Set at $149 from G2000
Striped Long Sleeved Blouse at $69.90 from G2000
*Not shown in picture*White Cap Sleeved Blouse at $24.50 from G2000


Below: Bag
Guess at $170.90 from Metro

Below: Shoes
Shoes at $29.90 from DMK

Many thanks to Selene who shopped with me and gave me her opinions about the assemble. I could not have done it on my own considering that I am clueless about what's required for OL assemble. =D

Friday, June 19, 2009

Absolute Boyfriend...and it ends like this. Why?


I am so depressed over the ending of Absolute Boyfriend. Is this how it ends in the manga too? Everything's ended now. Completed. I had watched everything...from the eleven episodes to the special. This is how it ends.


Why? Sometimes I questioned myself why it must be ended this way. Why life must be like this. Reality is not easy to face up to...but sometimes I find it way to hard. Pretend, ignore, escape...


Pardon me while I go and wept in my room. Feel free to donate tissue papers if you wish to...

Below: Theme song of Absolute Boyfriend, Okaeri by ayaka
This is sung by ayaka, a.k.a Mizushima Hiro's, the actor who acted as Asamoto Soshi, wife.

Below: Best moments of Zettai Kareshi

Personally, I like the ending in the episodes better. I wonder if it's the same team who produced the episodes in the Special. The Special ending was just...sad. I had read only the last chapter of the manga to see if the ending was the same. Several differences were immediately noted, such as in the manga, they were students. In the drama, they were working adults. In the manga, Soshi went to Spain alone while in the drama, both of them went to Paris. In the episodes and the manga, the ending was almost the same though. However, with the Special, the ending was vastly different from the manga. It was even more cruel. T.T

I have to say that Hayami Mokomichi, the guy who acted as Tenjo Night, is quite a decent actor. Being only 24 years old(going to be 25 on August 10), he depicts a robot quite well. I can see the differences in the moments when he was running according to the program, to when he started developing his own mind clearly, from the different usage of voice, movements etc.

Thumbs up for him. =D

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I am hooked on Maximum Ride!

I am currently hooked on another series of book!

Yes, it's still science fiction.

Introducing...Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment!


The Angel Experiment is the first book of the series and it's quite cool. It's fast paced so far but plot is well unfolding along the way. It's not as direct and more like a puzzle where little bits are given throughout the whole book. Even though the ending isn't a ending, it indicates clearly enough that there will be sequels to follow the story. I had just finished The Angel Experiment today and will start on the second book, Maximum Ride: School's Out Forever perhaps later tonight.

Below is the summary of the story written by me.

What would you do if you are 98% human and 2% bird?

Enter The Flock.

Meet 14 years old Maximum Ride, a.k.a Max, 14 years old Fang and Iggy, 11 years old Nudge, 8 years old Gasman, a.k.a Gazzy and 6 years old Angel.

On the exterior, they look like any other human you can find on the street. That is, when their wings are hidden away.

2% of avian DNA makes all the difference. Besides the wings that actually allows them to fly, they are stronger than a typical adult male, and also equipped with different body structure such as light bird bones and air sacs in stomach for better breathing at high altitude.

Sounds good doesn't it?

Here's the downside.

Having spent almost the whole of their childhood living in cages in the science lab called "The School", where they are treated as "it", they have no will, no freedom and are constantly forced to take tests.

Until Jeb Batchelder, a scientist from "The School", freed them and took care of them.

One day, when Jeb disappears, The Flock assumes that he is dead.

As their old enemies returns, The Flock is on the run.

Who can they trust? Why is the Voice in Max's head telling her to save the world?

Check out the first book, Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment, in this best selling series by James Patterson.

Like UGLIES, the moment I had finished this book, I had the same thought that it would make a great movie. A little search via Google indicates that my gut feeling is right again.

The details below are taken from Wikipedia.
In January 2007, it was announced that a film would be created based on the Maximum Ride series. James Patterson will be the executive producer. Avi Arad, one of the producers of Spider-Man, X-Men and other Marvel movies, will also produce alongside Steven Paul. In an interview with James Patterson, it was revealed that Arad has already planned out the first two movies. On August 7, 2008, it was announced that Columbia Pictures bought the screen rights to the franchise. Catherine Hardwicke (Twilight) will direct the first movie, with Don Payne writing the script. The movie is scheduled for a 2010 release. It was posted on the author's site under Max's Blog that Kristen Stewart (Female lead in Twilight) is likely to audition for Maximum, the role that she is most alike, since director Catherine Hardwicke stated in an interview that she would be soliciting Stewart to audition for a role.

Below: Fanmade Maximum Ride Trailer by sowhathomiec

Below: Maximum Ride 3: EXCLUSIVE Web Version Commercial
An advert on the third book in this series.

Below: Maximum Ride: Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports Advert
An advert on TV about the 3rd book in Maximum Ride series.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Report of these few weeks...

What's going for these few weeks?

Let's start with last week.

Last Week: 24 May 2009(Sunday)-31 May 2009(Sunday)

This week has been really hectic. There are a total number of three projects which required reviewing or handing up. They are namely Introduction to Human & Computer Interaction(iHCI) Project Proposal Part 1(handed up today, 28 May 2009, Thursday, consists of twenty percent of our marks), Web Design Project Proposal(WDS)(reviewed by teacher on Monday, 25 May 2009) and lastly, Computer Architecture(CARC)(reviewed by teacher on Tuesday, 26 May 2009).

WDS proposal
I had borrowed couple of books from my school's library and with the collection of Gothic & Lolita Bible I have, I supposed that there's no problem with my proposal. however, I find that it would be better if I am able to find more information in English on how the style had evolved throughout the years. I am still typing on the proposal though. I have tons to write but I am too lazy to do so.


A total nightmare. I didn't let the teacher see it as it's not even in written form yet? I don't know to to get started! What's with the hacker deal? O.O


This is one of the easier projects that I had encountered. The content of this subject seems relatively like Design & Technology, only that it teaches eve more on the principles we should bare in mind in creating a product that allows easy usage by humans. Although easy to understand in concept, we as a group, took until almost the very last minute before deciding on the specifications our product should have and what our product have to offer. After our usual lessons on Wednesday, 27 may 2009, we sat down outside the Lecture Theaters and began discussing with me typing on my laptop. It took us only around one and half hours to get the first two part done. After that, all that was left was the personal PACT Analysis. I started doing it at around 10pm+ and finally finished completing it nearly until 3am. I went to sleep at around 3pm+ and woke up at 6.30am the next day.

Needless to say, I was practically a walking zombie prancing around at school.

Lolita Make Up Class on Saturday, 30 May 2009

It's been a long time since I had wore Lolita. The last time I had worn Lolita was during EOY 08 in December, and that was with a friend, Ah Kong.

I had gotten into the Lolita scene due to my friend, Elie's influence. Now that Elie had declared that she will not wear Lolita again for an unlimited period of time, and that my other Lolita friends who lived close to me are taking "O" Levels, I have to brave through the crowd alone.

Actually, it's not the crowd, just that I have to travel alone to get to the event itself. Sure, it's not a long amount of period of time. However, the stress of pretending not to notice the others weird looks and whispers can get to you after sometime.

However, say, even if you have a friend, even if it's a non-Lolita friend who is just wear casual, at least the support of your friends will get you through. You might even have fun during the traveling period.

Yet, my love for Lolita was too great to not to give up Lolita totally. So I was back to pretending not to notice the weird looks the passersby were giving me.

I arrived late by around five minutes or so at the event itself. As I am not familiar with the campus itself, I had to ask a SMU student for directions. I noted that both of them were trying to contain their laughs. Oh well. They really should take a look at the different cultures, not just Japanese, in the world instead of laughing at it though.

The makeup teacher, Francine, was younger than I had thought to be. She used to be with M.A.C but now she is with Inouvi Cosmetics.

I regretted not putting up my hand when she asked for a Lolita to be her model.

Time flies and the three hours of class was definitely not enough! I hope that there will be another makeup class in the future! I had finally got up the courage of putting on makeup on my face after the class. The class was certainly beneficial to me for I had managed to learn some basics to application of makeup.

In the end, I had only applied eye shadow, mascara, blusher, lip gloss and drew on brows as the foundation Makiyo lent me didn't suits my skin tone and, being a newbie, I took ages on each step.

Nevertheless, many thanks to Makiyo-chan for lending me her makeup haul! =D

My makeup goal? To be able to look naturally flawless and cute with big eyes~...something like the makeup you will see in Popteen magazine. I will post scans of the makeup I wish to mimic later...

After the makeup class, most of the people went to Black Alice to sit down and chat until around evening time. A small group of us then went down to Nihon Mura at B1 to eat our dinner. I had ordered a bowl of ramen. The others order a pot of green tea(which was very nice) and a waffle with strawberry ice-cream(which was heavenly!~ it just melts in my mouth! =D). Too bad that I had forgotten to take pictures of those delicious food!

Pictures below!

Below: Francine demonstrating on a Lolita.

Below: View of the class.

Below: Group shoot after class.

Below: Tim with makeup teacher, Francine.

Below: BA Boss, Tim and his wife, Ling.

Below: Ling. She looks adorable! =D

Below: Random shoots after class.

Below: Lolita at BA after makeup class.

Sunday, 31 May 2009

I was supposed to go to my grandmother's house today but I didn't in order to revise for my tests.

As the black ink ran out, I had to revise for my WDS test by viewing the lecture notes and doing the tutorials on computer. I kept getting distracted and was surfing websites instead of revising. I had finally created a facebook account after many prompting by my friends.

The day was spent with 70% of the time at playing games and surfing the net. I am so guilty. >.<|||

1 June 2009(Monday)-6 June 2009(Saturday)

1 June 2009(Monday)
The day of two tests. Namely Web Design(WDS) from 10am-11.30am and Computing Mathematics 1(CMATHS 1) from 3pm-4.30pm.

I had reached school early and went to sat down at a table, playing with my handphone waiting for the others to arrive. One by one, my classmates arrive. Of all of my classmates, I think that the most "hardcore" in revising was CT. He actually prepared handwritten notes!

I was the only few who didn't prepared notes. In the end, we helped each other revised and I actually managed to memorize some things I hadn't known before. Many thanks to CT who patiently taught me the CRAP and some other principles I most know. =D

As we approached the test venue, I felt a little more prepared an confident than before due to our quick revising session. =D

The paper was not straightforward than I had thought it will be. Overall, it was quite ok.

>To be updated<

2 June 2009(Tuesday)
The last day of term tests. Problem Solving and Programming from 3pm-4.30pm.

>To be updated<

3 June 2009(Wednesday)-Shopping for cosmetics with Kristy!

>To be updated<

Some of the products were on sale and thus, I had gotten it at a cheaper price.

Below: Images of Canmake Products I had bought.
Canmake Concealer Foundation UV=$21.52
Canmake Concealer Foundation UV 11 SideviewCanmake Concealer Foundation UV 11

Canmake Gel Eyeliner Black=$15.92
Canmake Gel Eyeliner BlackCanmake Gel Eyeliner Black Sideview

Canmake Jewel Star Eyes Pink=$15.50
Canmake Jewel Star Eyes PinkCanmake Jewel Star Eyes Pink Sideview

Left: Canmake Powder Eyebrow 15=$13.51, Right: Canmake Loose Cheeks 02 Rose Pink=$14.32
Canmake Powder Eyebrow 15Canmake Loose Cheeks 02 Rose Pink

Free Canmake Eyeshadow
Canmake Metallic Eye Peach
Canmake Metallic Eye Peach

Below: Images of Majolica Majorca products I had bought.
Majolica Majorca Lash Enamel Glamour Neo BK999=$25.90
Majolica Majorca Lash Enamel Glamour Neo BK999

Majolica Majorca Rouge Majex PK211=$17.50
Majolica Majorca Rouge Majex PK211

Below: Image of Maybelline Product I had bought.
Angel Fit Zero Pore Base 01 Natural Pink=$19.90
Angel Fit Zero Pore Base 01 Natural PinkAngel Fit Zero Pore Base 01 Natural PinkBack

Below: All my makeup I had bought, same products, different arrangements.
Total Cost: $144.06
My Cosmectics HaulMy Cosmectics Haul Re-Arranged

Below: Nail tabs from Daiso

4 June 2009(Thursday)-Out with the old, In with the new(cosmetics)!

>To be updated<

5 June 2009(Friday)-Catching a movie with Adelyn!

>To be updated<


6 June 2009(Saturday)-Loliday 2009!

>To be updated<

Below: Lolita sitting around at BA for a chat.

Below: Sweet and Classic Lolita

Below: Black and White Lolita!

Below: Sweet Lolita

Below: Classic Lolita

Below: I think that she looks gorgeous! =D

Below: Group Shoots!

Below: Dinner at Pastamania with Lolita~