Monday, June 22, 2009

A busy week ahead...and should I watch Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen?

The weeks ahead of me are certainly not a slacking/relaxing period for me. I had tons of relaxing time. After all, I had almost totally ignored all school projects during the two weeks break. What had I done during the two weeks break besides reading novels, shopping, surfing the net and watching Absolute Boyfriend? Nothing much.

Yes, go ahead, if you wish to take lessons on slacking from me, just contact me. I will tell you if I still have a class available.

If it wasn't for Makiyo asking about the Java Assignment, I wouldn't even have known that such an assignment existed.

I can't afford to slack now though. Two weeks wasted and I have got to buck up.

The projects submission dates are coming soon. I don't wish to get zero marks.

This week is officially known as Week 10.

WDS Proposal due Week 11. CARC presentation due in Week 14. Java is due in Week 12. iHCI is due in Week 16.

Horrors of horrors!

With all of the projects due date so closely packed together, there's no way that I can spare any extra time for play. Enough of play. My motivation~ My motivation for studies~ You have been missing for more than ten years~ Come back to me~!!!

My brother suggested that by focusing on a goal will help. Alright. Let's hope that it works.

I am most worried about the Java assignment is the current hardest assignment I had ever encountered. I had no idea on how to start.

Goodness. Looks like I really need to buck up and pay more attention in class!

On a sidenote, after reading the review for the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, in which the reporter gave it only two out of five stars, I wondered if I still wanted to watch it. The way the reporter described it, there's nothing much worth in it. Just like another typical Hollywood movie. Behind all the explosion and stuff, it's just an empty shell inside. I had actually wanted to watch it together with Adelyn this Friday but seeing that my WDS proposal is due soon, and that the review is so bad, I wondered if I still do wish to spend $6 on it. Even if I do, perhaps I might push it until next Monday, after school, after the submission of my WDS proposal. At least I can chill out a little for that 150 minutes.


Scott Westerfeld has talked to the Uglies producers and it seemed that everything seems to be fine so far. I will define fine in my next-not-so-soon post. I do wish that they will make a good movie out of it. Not just another attractive Hollywood packaging with nothing inside. The story has depth in it. It has an essence in it. I hope that they will portray it well. If nicely done, according to the Uglies novel, I supposed that it could have easily been given four to four and a half stars by those picky reviewers.

Yes, Uglies novel is that good. So they better not fluke it. Or us Uglies fans are going to be very angry indeed. That's not a pretty sight they want to see.

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