Sunday, June 21, 2009

My Office Lady Clothes.

I had finally gotten my Office Lady(OL) Clothes. I had purposely waited for the Great Singapore Sale to arrive before shopping for my OL Clothes.

After all, I am born with a silver spoon in my mouth, and I should save as much as possible. Plus, I am in debt as I have been spending tons on money on assorted stuff for the past few months. Sadly, I had to pay for the OL Clothes assemble myself too.

Why do I need OL Clothes? I had just learned recently, when I first start my Polytechnic life that upon completing certain projects, it's not just as simple submitting it and you are done. You have to present it to your teachers and fellow classmates. Yes,marks are involved.

Plus, according to the CARC Case Study Guide at the Presentation Tips & Tricks section, they mentioned that:

Formal wear is required:
oFor gentleman: appropriate shirt, tie, pants, blazer and shoes.
oFor ladies: appropriate top, skirt or pants, blazer and shoes.

Seriously speaking, if there isn't a dress code to abide to, I certainly wouldn't waste my money on such clothes. After all, it's certainly not something you could wear everyday.

Alas, for the sake of the marks, I have to bear with it. Anyway, if I take good care of the clothes, I am sure that I will be able to wear them once I had started working. I wondered how everyone looks in the formal wear though. =P

I had totally splurged on the Guess bag. I had not intended to do so initially but seeing that the cheaper bags were smaller than I like and the designs was not that pretty. I liked that this bag was formal enough and also extremely big enough for my laptop, files, lecture notes and stuff. After all, I am bound to have lessons before/after the actual presentation. Hopefully, it will last me through the years and please don't break under the strain from the stuff I always carry! After glancing at the price tag, I found out that this bag was meant as a Diaper Bag. That explains the many compartments and the size of the bag. Oh well, as long as it is able to store all my stuff in...

On a side note, I have to say that even such a huge bag in terms of price, isn't comparable to my A4 size Lolita PVC Bag which cost me around $240. I was once again reminded on how expensive Lolita is.

I had wanted to get those chunky heels shoes but since they didn't have what I want, and that I can't walk in those stilettos, considering I have been wearing Sports Shoes for most of my life, I had to adopt to Kitten Heels. I was choosing between two designs at that time. One was a very typical more mature pointy front higher Kitten Heels and the other was what I eventually bought. I don't like pointy shoes and besides, the Kitten Heels that I eventually bought was more sweet, more youthful and it is more likely that I can pair it with my usual casual outfits. ^0^ Even though it was only 3cm high, I wasn't used to kitten heels so I felt like I was in wobbly land when I tried it on. I have been wearing that pair of shoes at home to loosen it up and also to get use to it. I am glad that I had gotten this pair of shoe. ~\(=^0^=)/~

Pictures below:

Note: The price stated below are post discounted price.

Below: The full OL set
Blazer and Pants Set at $149 from G2000
Striped Long Sleeved Blouse at $69.90 from G2000
*Not shown in picture*White Cap Sleeved Blouse at $24.50 from G2000


Below: Bag
Guess at $170.90 from Metro

Below: Shoes
Shoes at $29.90 from DMK

Many thanks to Selene who shopped with me and gave me her opinions about the assemble. I could not have done it on my own considering that I am clueless about what's required for OL assemble. =D

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