Monday, December 22, 2008

My perfect phone?

The wedding dinner went quite well. Perhaps some people might have something to say about our clothes but who cares. Most of the time, our bodies are hidden from view by the mighty table that holds all the food. Food was decent but tad cold since it was left somewhere around after it was cooked, waiting for the feast to begin.

I had to say that my aunt was gorgeous that night. The dress was a very pretty pure white with a red belt. Not revealing in any way but it still show her curves beautifully. Her makeup was kept light but nicely done too. Thumbs up! =D

There are some failure as well...such as wearing frocks or gowns that are not suitable for their body types. I shall not comment more on it. =X

I had been looking for a new hand phone for quite some time. Around more than a month or so ago, my dad informed me that I could use his contract renewal as an opportunity to get a new hand phone. I had my current phone for around three to four years. I had owned three hand phones(including my current hand phone) till this date. All of them are Nokia, outdated (no longer available on Nokia website) and second hand. Two of the hand phones that I owned are those that doesn't even have colour screen and are those green screens when light up. My current phone is not as outdated as the two other but this phone does not have blue tooth, infrared, mega pixel, flash light, capability to store songs etc.

No doubt, when I saw my brother using his Sony Ericsson W850i (which he had gotten two years ago) , I was envious. Finally, after a long long wait, I am able to get a totally new phone of my choice! Not a second hand one!

Searching for a phone that is good, cheap and with a good plan proved to be difficult. It was either that the phone was too expensive, or the plan is quite good but the phone is not. How do I judge whether the phone is good? Well, I do so by reading reviews from users and editors. Some of the phones requires me to spend a couple hundred bucks even with plan and some, requires me to trade in a phone worth $100 in order to get that $0 deal. As I had mentioned, my hand phones are so outdated that I am not sure if they are even worth $50 altogether!

My brother kept encouraging me to get an Apple iPhone... -_-||| Hello? Just by looking at the price is enough to make me faint.

I am planning to get either a Sony Ericsson Cyber-shot or Sony Ericsson Walkman Phone or Nokia. I am even considering phones that are more for business men but it must be by Sony Ericsson or Nokia.

Is it THAT hard to just get a phone I want?

Saturday, December 20, 2008

What to wear to a wedding? The hardest part of being a female....

It's been around 5 years since I had last attended a wedding dinner. Needless to say, I didn't have much appropriate clothes to choose from. After some pondering, I have to settle on my one and only one piece dress. Unfortunately, the pair of shoes which I used to pair the dress with had worn out. I had to pair it with the whiteXblack ballet flats that I own. It was not a coordination that I like but I just have to do with it. Initially, I would like to achieve more of a boho result but I do not have a suitable pair of shoe. Looks like it will be boho with flats. -_-||| I have to get a pair of suitable shoes next time.

My mother asked me to dress her. That is a challenge considering what dominate her wardrobe are T-shirts, denim, shorts and tank tops. I have to cracked my head to think of a suitable coordination. Gosh.

The worst part of this whole thing is that as my mother and I are female, at a suitable age to be expected to dress well. This got to be the hardest part to do since we do not have the right clothes!*sigh*

I hope that we will not be considered as being dressed too inappropriately when we get there and find a sea of people all dressed up. Well, at least I can take some comfort in the fact that most of them are strangers to us and vice versa. >.<

I have less than an hour left to long.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Back to....Art?!

It's been a long while since I had sat down at my table(since it was a rubbish dump there.)and just drew anything in my sketchbook or on any paper for that matter.

Finally with my desk cleared(full report with pictures next time)with only random magazines and BABY paper bag left lying on the table, I have enough space to draw again.*Though I wish to get the magazines and BABY paper bag off the table first*

Sure, I had done random drawings, sketches, doodles while I am bored in school but most of the drawings doesn't really count as they are either not complete or really bad. -_-|||

Only two of the drawings I had done in school are those that I will acknowledge. One was done in my blue notebook(magic school uniform girl with two cute follower), the other was done at the very last page of my Mathematic paper(girl's face half covered by hair). Unfortunately, the first was lost some where in my pile of books(let's hope that I can find it) and the other, was handed up to my teacher and never to be seen again. T.T It sucks since I really loved that piece of drawing. Some of you might laugh at my drawings but hey, I never said that I am good at drawing! I am still learning...and I suppose I will still be many years ahead.

One of the reason for wanting to start again, was when I uncovered the forgotten art site that I really love when I was deleting the broken links. It's Zindy-Zone and have a look at her artworks when you have time. I really love her drawing style and they are so lifelike! How I wish that I am able to draw well!

I was wondering what to buy with my Popular 20% Coupon. Now I know. I had threw away tons of my drawing stuff such as drawing pencils, colour pencils and this is a great time to restock. =D

Alright, I guess that that's all for today! ~\(=^0^=)/~

OH! I almost forgotten!

Happy Birthday Adelyn!!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Minor Changes Made To This Blog......

If anyone noticed, besides the new addition of a long due new post, I had made some minor changes around this blog.

I had removed the broken links in the 'shi...links' part. I define broken link as links that led to now where or to a 'This blog has been removed/does not exist' message. Blogs that have been declared closed or neglected (such as not posting for more than a year) are removed as well. The 'shi...links' part is now cleaner with accessible links so you wouldn't be going to a dead end with every click! =D

Besides that, I had also changed the song from 千年之恋(Thousand Years of Love) to Beautiful by Christina Aguilera.

Soon, I will be editing my Wish List as well...for those kind folks out there, how about getting me any one item(or all if you wish to) from my Wish List as a Christmas present? =P

《ドラえもん 新・のび太の宇宙開拓史》2009 Part 2 New Trailers!

It's been a month and 2 days since I had last posted! I am sorry for neglecting this blog! Things hadn't been staying the same during these days since I had last posted but I guess that will be left till my next post.

The trailer that I had posted up for the Doraemon 2009 movie for my last post here had been deleted due to a copyright claim but no fear! I had found two different trailers for 《ドラえもん 新・のび太の宇宙開拓史》. Here they are! These are trailers with different content from the movie so do watch both! =D

Visit the official website for Doraemon movies here for more trailers and information on the new movies!

I had finally found a shop that sell not only the latest Doraemon DVDs, they also sell many other merchandises such as Doraemon hats, clothes, plates and other Doraemon stuff suitable for the young to old! By young, I really mean young as there are Doraemon stuffs for babies as well! Besides that, they also sell tons of anime boxed sets, movies, episodes and soundtracks. It's certainly a shop you can't miss if you are an otaku or a Doraemon fan! I had gotten my Doraemon Movie 2008 there. =D When I have more money I shall go and get the Doraemon Movie 2007 as well! =D

You can find the shop at:

Hyper Media PTE LTD
133, New Bridge Road
#02-25/26 Chinatown Point
Singapore 059413
Tel: 63362210