Thursday, December 18, 2008

Back to....Art?!

It's been a long while since I had sat down at my table(since it was a rubbish dump there.)and just drew anything in my sketchbook or on any paper for that matter.

Finally with my desk cleared(full report with pictures next time)with only random magazines and BABY paper bag left lying on the table, I have enough space to draw again.*Though I wish to get the magazines and BABY paper bag off the table first*

Sure, I had done random drawings, sketches, doodles while I am bored in school but most of the drawings doesn't really count as they are either not complete or really bad. -_-|||

Only two of the drawings I had done in school are those that I will acknowledge. One was done in my blue notebook(magic school uniform girl with two cute follower), the other was done at the very last page of my Mathematic paper(girl's face half covered by hair). Unfortunately, the first was lost some where in my pile of books(let's hope that I can find it) and the other, was handed up to my teacher and never to be seen again. T.T It sucks since I really loved that piece of drawing. Some of you might laugh at my drawings but hey, I never said that I am good at drawing! I am still learning...and I suppose I will still be many years ahead.

One of the reason for wanting to start again, was when I uncovered the forgotten art site that I really love when I was deleting the broken links. It's Zindy-Zone and have a look at her artworks when you have time. I really love her drawing style and they are so lifelike! How I wish that I am able to draw well!

I was wondering what to buy with my Popular 20% Coupon. Now I know. I had threw away tons of my drawing stuff such as drawing pencils, colour pencils and this is a great time to restock. =D

Alright, I guess that that's all for today! ~\(=^0^=)/~

OH! I almost forgotten!

Happy Birthday Adelyn!!!!

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