Wednesday, January 30, 2008

SOY@Ngee Ann Poly 2008

Not long ago, I just went to Start of the year Cosplay Event a.k.a SOY at Ngee Ann Polytechnic on 26 Jan 2008(Sat). Unfortunately, we have to go back to school on that morning from 7.55am-10.30am for EL P2 and also Physics Paper. That totally messed up my plans for that day so I had to rush back home and change before rushing out again. The bus trip to there was surprisingly fast as I chatted with Elie along the way. I reached Ngee Ann at around 12pm going towards 1pm. Along the way to Lecture Theatre 26 where SOY was held, I saw shirodas but he doesn't know who I am. =D So Ryuk cosplay was the best for Individual Competition but for Group Competition, Sasuke Uchiha(Shippūden) V.S Itachi Uchiha was the BEST! While for Group Competition, the Final Fantasy performance was the most lame I ever seen. i don't even understand what they are getting at! Seriously, I think that they sort of spoiled the characters! And to think that the audience clapped so loudly when the MC announced that its from Final Fantasy! But the audience was right to clapped so loudly when the MC announced for a Shinigami to come out and also when they said about the characters being related to "ramen and ninja".

SOY Banner taken by me

Ryuk from Death Note
Below: Taken by Souless

Below:Taken by me

Sasuke Uchiha(Shippūden) V.S Itachi Uchiha taken by me. They are real brothers in real life!

Hatake Kakashi taken by Souless

Hatake Kakashi taken by me. Bleach and Prince of Tennis in background.

Taken by me

The scene on the stairs taken by me

From left to right: Sakura,Kuroii and Elie taken by me.

Below all taken by Souless

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Small Cosplay Gathering@North Vista Secondary

What:Small Cosplay Gathering for Pop Concert Cum Arts Carnival
Help to spread the culture of Cosplay!!!

All profits earned during this event will go to the school fund for building Indoor Sports Hall(ISH)!
Location: Its in Sengkang. More information at Official School Website or Wikipedia.

North Vista Secondary School
11 Rivervale Link
Singapore (545081)

When: 28 June 2008(Saturday)

Time:To be updated
Entry Fee:Its free!

Dress Code: We welcome people wearing Cosplay Costumes/Lolita/Punk/Gothic/Harajuku/JRock/Visual kei etc. People who are not wearing costumes but wish to drop by and support are welcomed too! Visitors are allowed to roam around the school compound but do remember to bide by the rules.

-No rude,rowdy,rough,hentai,yaoi or yuri behavior is allowed on the school grounds.
-ANY unlawful acts such as vandalising of school properties, theft and etc will be handed over to school disciplinary, campus security or the police.NO smoking allowed in school grounds.
-No sharp weapons. Weapons MUST be blunt.
-No littering in school grounds. Please keep it clean and green.
-No cameras allowed. Please use our photography services!
Models needed!!
We need at least 10 models to pose for photos with possible customers as we are charging for each photo taken in order to raise funds. Please note that you will not earn any money out of this for this is going to be a free willing task! We are going to be models as well so its not just you only!
Requirements for models:
-Wearing Cosplay Costumes/Lolita/Punk/Gothic/Harajuku/JRock/Visual kei etc
-Need not be handsome or pretty
-If you are cosplaying, at least 90% similarity to the character you are cosplaying will be wonderful.
What models will be doing&what models can do during the event
-Taking photos with potential customers
-Models are allowed to roam around the school grounds. If someone wish to take photos with you, please inform them of the photography services our booth provides!
Leave a message at the tagboard or email me with details below
*What are you wearing.
-Genre of the clothes(Eg.Lolita,Punk etc)
-Picture of the clothes attached
*If you are cosplaying,
-Name of the series
-Name of the character with a picture of the character of the clothes you are wearing attached
I will reply as soon as I can and inform you on more details such as the timing in which hopefully you will reach there.
*If you did not sign up for helping us to model but wishes to lend us a hand at the event itself(such as using our booth services when someone wishes to take a picture with you), you are very much welcome!*

Please let me know if you are coming at least 3 days before the actual event!

If you do have any questions, feel free to ask me!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Doraemon!!!! & Cosplay event in school?

FINALLY!!!! Its like been forever since my mother asked one of her friends to help me buy the Doraemon bed sheets. It took couple while before she asked my mother to collect it. Took couple more days before my mother washed it and spread it on my bed! Pictures below!

Drying Doraemon Bedsheets

Doraemon bedsheets finally on my bed!

Elie and I were discussing about having sort of cosplay event in our school to raise funds for the Indoor Sports Hall(ISH). Its still in the initial planning stage and we are hoping that we are able to have this happening. So far Elie have asked a few people to help out as well and they agreed! I have posted a thread in forum to test the waters before actually launching the whole plan and there's quite good response considering I have not posted the the thread for long. So is there anyone who wants to join this cosplay event group together? Just leave a tag in the tagboard or contact me for more details.

Some Information....
This cosplay event welcomes people wearing Cosplay costumes/Lolita/Punk/Gothic/Harajuku etc.

Please note that the clothes must not be too revealing such as having only a tube top and short shorts on. The school will disapprove of it as after all its a Secondary School.

What we are hoping is that you'll be willing to take photos with any of the possible students who want to take photos with you as we are going to charge the students for the photos and printing the photo on the spot. It will be sort of like those zoo where they put a snake on you and help you take photos and you have to pay for that photo. This is one of the ways I thought of that can help to raise funds.

So is there anyone who wants to join this organizing cosplay event group? Just leave a tag in the tagboard or contact me for more details.

But first of all we must have the school's approval. We will be asking our school tomorrow for permission to do so and also for more details.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Gosh...Lolitas/Jap Unifrom/Cosplay...& Chemistry test=.=|||

So. Elie and I was in the classroom one day blissfully ignoring the teacher's lecture and instead writing down our birthday wish list and also the present we are going to give to our friends. Gifts to others are as below.....Elie-chan knows what I am going to give to her for birthday present as we both planned it together in the classroom. Please don't tell my mother what I am planning for her....

Mother's birthday present:
SGD180. She wanted to rebond and colour her hair but didn't have the money so this money is for starters and she can do whatever she wants with it. =^0^= I am saving up now.

Elie's birthday present:
We both decided together in the classroom. go to Cosplay/Lolita stores and use $30 max to buy a gift pointed out by each other. In this way, we can 100% ensure the chances of getting a present which we both truly want! So if she wants an item that's more expensive then $30, I fund her $30 and the rest she pay herself and vice versa.

Frankly saying, I think that setting a budget for birthday present and going out together to buy is a splendid idea.

Oh. During the lesson, while I was making my birthday wish, I commented on how I am not suitable wearing cute lolita and maybe should try elegant lolita. After I said that, Elie sort of smile when she thinks that I was not noticing. Seems that she must have imagined me wearing elegant lolita prancing around. Yes, Elie-chan, i know that you know me as a very tom boy and rough girl. But I can be elegant when I want~~. T.T

There's still Chemistry major exam next week. that sucks. T.T

Lastly, below are some of the clothes and shoe which I find really beautiful.

Heart E Around SGDS308.

Vampire Knight Day Class Girl $118 from Haru.

G.L.P Crown Maryjanes
Name : G.L.P Crown Maryjanes
Colour : Black or White
Height : 6cm X 12cm
Price $138
from Haru.

Aren't those nice? That's all for today!

Sunday, January 06, 2008


I just love going to Orchard. Not because of the expensive labels or just to watch cute guys there. -_-|||| I love Orchard because of Kinokuniya and Borders! Yes, I love Orchard because of these two major bookstores. Both bookstores have tons and tons of books/magazines etc I never be able to find any where else as they are imports. Every weekend, I always manages to go there and soak in the lovely smell of books. Sometimes I will be debating against myself as to if its worth my money to buy some of the books that caught my eye. So I will always be wandering mindlessly around the store will trying to decide if its worth it. Maybe some might think that I am some suspicious looking person. ^0^ Anyway, below are some things I find worth buying when I have the money to do so!
Manga Mania: Chibi and Furry Characters: How to Draw the Adorable Mini-characters and Cool Cat-girls of Japanese Comics (Manga Mania) (Paperback)
by Christopher Hart (Author)
Cost: SGD40.95

I found this book at Borders at the Art section shelves and I was immediately attracted towards the incredibly cute cover! What was even better was that all the chibi drawings inside are not americanized and are leaning more towards to Japanese style which is much more to my liking! Packed full with information, glossy pictures and instructions to draw, I could almost not resist against the urge to buy it. Especially when I have a $10 voucher to use as well. But I am confirmed going to use the voucher before it expired to buy this book!

Japanese Schoolgirl Inferno: Tokyo Teen Fashion Subculture Handbook (Paperback)

This book bright pink cover attracted my attention as I was passing by one shelf on my way out of Kinokuniya. I flipped through it and found the contents extremely enriching and useful if I want to dress myself up via Japan style. I going to get it
if I have the money to splurge for myself!

UGLIES Boxed Set

Finally its out! This is going to be a must buy for after all I have been waiting for it to be in stores for so long!

Besides these books, there are several cosplay photo books that caught my eye but I don't dare to buy for I might open it up and might be disappointed by its content. But after searching on Kino for books, I found one book that is a cosplay guide which might be an interesting read....hmm~

By the way, besides going to these two bookstores, I finally went to Haru after reading all about it via on internet forum! Its really located right in the very end but lucky me found it on my very first try without even knowing its store number. :p Its a very cozy little shop with several costumes such as Naruto's costume on display just outside the shop. There are quite a few people who peeked around the corner into the shop but not many dare to go into the shop. I too,did not dare to go into the shop until there were a few people inside and I quickly sneak in and out of the store, since I am not intending to buy anything on that day and was only to get a look. =^.^= I think that I might be buying either Japanese school uniform or cooler Lolita outfit(since I don't have a cute face) when I have money. Those of tamer ones so I can wear it to go shopping...otherwise my parents will accuse me of wasting money. That's around the time when I might be going shopping with Elie!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

First Day of School

Its kind of weird i don't mind this first day of school today. Maybe its because of the fact that I knew that we wouldn't be having any lessons today? Perhaps that's so. Maybe also because that I don't have to get up early on a Wednesday you only have to reach school by 9.45am. But I got up around 7.30am as I have to go to school to post some posters to promote my CCA before the CCA carnival starts.

It was drizzling when we were to gather at the parade square. I was searching for my class when I spotted Elie with her new hairstyle(I still can't recognize her in her new hairstyle. But her new hairstyle is really nice and not like many other common cookie-cutter hairstyle! I hate being not unique and like a clone to others. I like something of my own.*I hope.*)along with Indrani. It's been a long time since I had seen Indrani! It is good to see her again. It seems a bit unrealistic when we all sat down to hear the principal talk. I felt like I was dreaming that I was in school again.

Anyway, most of my teachers was changed. So far, those new teachers seemed nice. The only complaint I had was that they didn't change one of my subject's teacher for I dislike that particular teacher. Oh well, guess that I just have to deal with it and hope that he will not test my patience....

Elie is still currently my partner(I hope that my teachers will not change the fact!)so we talked about quite a lot of things during free period. She seemed to be quite refreshed and bubbly today for she talked quite a lot compared to some other days where I felt that I was talking to a wall. -_-||| So our conversation mostly were about cosplay(yay!!), the upcoming cosplay event(yahoo!!~~), her new Lolita clothes(how I wish that i could buy some too!~), Cosplay/Jrock/Punk/Lolita etc store in Singapore(I don't know that there was so many!~), and also last but not least,my trip to New Zealand(It was WONDERFUL~!). Finally we had something in common as opposed to us talking about our own different lives each time we meet! So I learnt that there's quite a number of Lolita stores in Bugis. I didn't even know that! It's sad that due to the upcoming Ordinary Levels, her dad don't allow her to go out often so it was quite impossible to go to those Cosplay+Jrock+Punk+Lolita etc store and shop with her. T.T Anyways, below are details of the store I currently know about in Singapore that sells Cosplay/Jrock/Punk/Lolita etc items.

List of Stores
Name of store:Haru
Where?:Far East Plaza #03-42 (shop 6)
Opening Hours:12.30pm to 9.30pm daily
They sells:Cosplay,Lolita, Punk, Japanese school uniform, accessories etc.
Items from:Japan and Taiwan
More information HERE.

Name of store:Black Alice
Where?:*In a building called Little Red Dot*52 Queen St.
#02-07 (ABSL 07)
Singapore 188539

Bugis Street 2nd Level (New Area)
Opposite Rochor Hawker Centre
Red Building Above Cheers / Kopi Place
Opening Hours:Daily 1:30 pm - 8:30 pm, weekends till 9:30 pm
They sells:Gothic Lolita Clothing & Accessories
Items from:*Brands*
Baby, The Stars Shine Bright
Angelic Pretty
Innocent World
Dollfie Shoes
Misc off brand clothing & accessories
More information HERE.

Name of store:Mr. Cosplay's Otaku House
Where?:Suntec City Mall My Playground #03-089/089A
Opening Hours:Unknown
They sells:Cosplay costumes, cosplay props, soft toys, merchandises, keychains etc.
Items from:Unknown
More information call the store at:68874381

Name of store:Atsuki
Where?:Suntec City Mall My Playground #03-027F/027G
Opening Hours:Unknown
They sells:Gothic, Lolita and Punk clothings
Items from:Unknown

For more Lolita stores in Singapore, go HERE.

That's all that i know of! If you know any more shops please do tell me! If I have more information about these shops I will update on this blog post or perhaps in a new blog post!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!


Time really flies. Year 2007 passed by in just a blink of an eye and now year 2008 has arrived. Soon, I be taking my Ordinary Levels. Let's just hope that I will get the results I want!

So every year most of the people have new year resolutions. What's mine for this year? The items I listed are in random order and each and every of the items are of same importance level in which I hope that I will achieve.

My New Year Resolutions
1)To get really good results for my Ordinary Level
2)To go to bed earlier than the previous year so that I will have enough sleep
3)To be hardworking and hand in my homework in time. Not to be lazy in my studies!
4)To do that exercise in Seventeen magazine as instructed and get lean and fit
5)To be happier
6)To be a better person
7)Must not be lazy when sorting my things
8)Be a neat person

New year means new things. What have I bought this year to prepare myself for back to school? I will post up the pictures some other day!

New Hayrer school bag.

Actually I do not have any intention to buy a new school bag but after my mother washed my OP school bag, she found what that there's little holes at the base of the bag probably poked through by the heavy weight and sharp corners of the books. So I bought a new BIG bag this time. It has quite a lot of compartments so I can be neater when sorting my things into my new school bag. It cost $50 from a shop outside Heartland Mall.

New MYUK Girls wallet

Old Wallet

I bought it because my mother offered to give me money to buy a new one as I had used my old wallet for a couple of years and that its quite hard to take out money from my old wallet without flashing my money to the public. Also I have to fold the notes before I can put it in neatly. So its a hassle to keep my money probably thus a new wallet was needed. I bought it from The Wallet Shop in Tampines Mall yesterday. It cost $29.

New black clear file
My old file was falling apart and some of the compartment of the clear file have a hole in it so papers will drop out. I don't want to lose vital notes so I went to buy a new clear file from Popular in Tampines Mall yesterday. It cost $2.60 after membership discount.

So now after those new things, a change of blog skin is needed! Back to Gaara skin! I just can't stop loving Gaara! The song Everything Burns is a perfect theme song for Gaara's life. Before he knew how to love others. Hope that you like this blog skin and new song!