Wednesday, January 30, 2008

SOY@Ngee Ann Poly 2008

Not long ago, I just went to Start of the year Cosplay Event a.k.a SOY at Ngee Ann Polytechnic on 26 Jan 2008(Sat). Unfortunately, we have to go back to school on that morning from 7.55am-10.30am for EL P2 and also Physics Paper. That totally messed up my plans for that day so I had to rush back home and change before rushing out again. The bus trip to there was surprisingly fast as I chatted with Elie along the way. I reached Ngee Ann at around 12pm going towards 1pm. Along the way to Lecture Theatre 26 where SOY was held, I saw shirodas but he doesn't know who I am. =D So Ryuk cosplay was the best for Individual Competition but for Group Competition, Sasuke Uchiha(Shippūden) V.S Itachi Uchiha was the BEST! While for Group Competition, the Final Fantasy performance was the most lame I ever seen. i don't even understand what they are getting at! Seriously, I think that they sort of spoiled the characters! And to think that the audience clapped so loudly when the MC announced that its from Final Fantasy! But the audience was right to clapped so loudly when the MC announced for a Shinigami to come out and also when they said about the characters being related to "ramen and ninja".

SOY Banner taken by me

Ryuk from Death Note
Below: Taken by Souless

Below:Taken by me

Sasuke Uchiha(Shippūden) V.S Itachi Uchiha taken by me. They are real brothers in real life!

Hatake Kakashi taken by Souless

Hatake Kakashi taken by me. Bleach and Prince of Tennis in background.

Taken by me

The scene on the stairs taken by me

From left to right: Sakura,Kuroii and Elie taken by me.

Below all taken by Souless

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