Sunday, January 06, 2008


I just love going to Orchard. Not because of the expensive labels or just to watch cute guys there. -_-|||| I love Orchard because of Kinokuniya and Borders! Yes, I love Orchard because of these two major bookstores. Both bookstores have tons and tons of books/magazines etc I never be able to find any where else as they are imports. Every weekend, I always manages to go there and soak in the lovely smell of books. Sometimes I will be debating against myself as to if its worth my money to buy some of the books that caught my eye. So I will always be wandering mindlessly around the store will trying to decide if its worth it. Maybe some might think that I am some suspicious looking person. ^0^ Anyway, below are some things I find worth buying when I have the money to do so!
Manga Mania: Chibi and Furry Characters: How to Draw the Adorable Mini-characters and Cool Cat-girls of Japanese Comics (Manga Mania) (Paperback)
by Christopher Hart (Author)
Cost: SGD40.95

I found this book at Borders at the Art section shelves and I was immediately attracted towards the incredibly cute cover! What was even better was that all the chibi drawings inside are not americanized and are leaning more towards to Japanese style which is much more to my liking! Packed full with information, glossy pictures and instructions to draw, I could almost not resist against the urge to buy it. Especially when I have a $10 voucher to use as well. But I am confirmed going to use the voucher before it expired to buy this book!

Japanese Schoolgirl Inferno: Tokyo Teen Fashion Subculture Handbook (Paperback)

This book bright pink cover attracted my attention as I was passing by one shelf on my way out of Kinokuniya. I flipped through it and found the contents extremely enriching and useful if I want to dress myself up via Japan style. I going to get it
if I have the money to splurge for myself!

UGLIES Boxed Set

Finally its out! This is going to be a must buy for after all I have been waiting for it to be in stores for so long!

Besides these books, there are several cosplay photo books that caught my eye but I don't dare to buy for I might open it up and might be disappointed by its content. But after searching on Kino for books, I found one book that is a cosplay guide which might be an interesting read....hmm~

By the way, besides going to these two bookstores, I finally went to Haru after reading all about it via on internet forum! Its really located right in the very end but lucky me found it on my very first try without even knowing its store number. :p Its a very cozy little shop with several costumes such as Naruto's costume on display just outside the shop. There are quite a few people who peeked around the corner into the shop but not many dare to go into the shop. I too,did not dare to go into the shop until there were a few people inside and I quickly sneak in and out of the store, since I am not intending to buy anything on that day and was only to get a look. =^.^= I think that I might be buying either Japanese school uniform or cooler Lolita outfit(since I don't have a cute face) when I have money. Those of tamer ones so I can wear it to go shopping...otherwise my parents will accuse me of wasting money. That's around the time when I might be going shopping with Elie!

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