Friday, January 11, 2008

Gosh...Lolitas/Jap Unifrom/Cosplay...& Chemistry test=.=|||

So. Elie and I was in the classroom one day blissfully ignoring the teacher's lecture and instead writing down our birthday wish list and also the present we are going to give to our friends. Gifts to others are as below.....Elie-chan knows what I am going to give to her for birthday present as we both planned it together in the classroom. Please don't tell my mother what I am planning for her....

Mother's birthday present:
SGD180. She wanted to rebond and colour her hair but didn't have the money so this money is for starters and she can do whatever she wants with it. =^0^= I am saving up now.

Elie's birthday present:
We both decided together in the classroom. go to Cosplay/Lolita stores and use $30 max to buy a gift pointed out by each other. In this way, we can 100% ensure the chances of getting a present which we both truly want! So if she wants an item that's more expensive then $30, I fund her $30 and the rest she pay herself and vice versa.

Frankly saying, I think that setting a budget for birthday present and going out together to buy is a splendid idea.

Oh. During the lesson, while I was making my birthday wish, I commented on how I am not suitable wearing cute lolita and maybe should try elegant lolita. After I said that, Elie sort of smile when she thinks that I was not noticing. Seems that she must have imagined me wearing elegant lolita prancing around. Yes, Elie-chan, i know that you know me as a very tom boy and rough girl. But I can be elegant when I want~~. T.T

There's still Chemistry major exam next week. that sucks. T.T

Lastly, below are some of the clothes and shoe which I find really beautiful.

Heart E Around SGDS308.

Vampire Knight Day Class Girl $118 from Haru.

G.L.P Crown Maryjanes
Name : G.L.P Crown Maryjanes
Colour : Black or White
Height : 6cm X 12cm
Price $138
from Haru.

Aren't those nice? That's all for today!

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