Tuesday, February 27, 2007


although it's a long time since i had posted anything on my blog, that doesn't mean that nothing did happen! anyway, for a long time, i had always wanted to buy a Photoshop software to make the photos more beautiful, but unfortunately for me, i don't have that much money for it's way too expensive for me to afford. recently, my brother founded this freeware on the internet GIMP which have the same uses as Photoshop and what's more, it free! so of course we went to download it and my reviews for this program is that...it's really awesome! after all, it's free and it can edit the photos pretty well too! so if you can't afford Photoshop, why not try GIMP SHOP?

i have used two pictures and edited it with GIMP SHOP to make it look like it's a coloured sketch...i think that the pictures after editing are really nice...what do you think? and do remember that i am not a professional photographer so do not expect professional looking photos! my point in showing these photos after editing is to prove that GIMP SHOP's facilities is not bad at all! you can download GIMP SHOP at http://www.gimpshop.net/ . learn how to edit pictures to coloured sketch effect at http://www.dphotojournal.com/photoshop-tutorial-turning-photos-into-colored-pencil-sketch/ .

Picture taken by me & edited by me.
Right:Before edited.Left:Picture after editing.

Picture found on internet.

Right:Before edited.Left:Picture after editing(done by me).

Friday, February 16, 2007


ok, so i had gotten which clothes to wear sorted, but now....yet another problem...you can't really say that this problem just got my attention recently...but in fact, i had been pondering over this so called problem for some time now. starting from last year, i had already been wondering on what to do with my 'weird' hair. why do i say that my hair is 'weird'? well, perhaps it's because that my mother's hair is straight and my dad's hair is really curly(think of a bird nest)which doesn't sway when the wind blows so...combine both of their genetic properties together and you get me who has a curly fringe with straight hair at the back of my head. you be confused now right? to bad that is the best i can explain in order to give you a vision on how my hair looks like. so...the auntie who cut my hair advised me to buy a hair wax suitable for my hair so i went to buy the wax...i am abit nervous to try a new hair prodcut for this is the first time i am using a hair product! hopefully, i am able to get the style i want..wish me tons of luck...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Which one to wear??

chinese new year is approaching fast...this sunday will be the lunar chinese new year. i had already gotten my chinese new year clothes but...i don't know which one to wear! in total, i bought 3 long tank top, 2 carpi pants, 5 shorts and one bubble skirt...but the long tank top and carpi pants were actually intended to be my chinese new year clothes but...i discovered that one of my tank top could also be matched with the shorts which i bought so now i am thinking carpi pants or shorts? and also, which tank top should i match it with? or maybe should i wear my bubble skirt???? oh my goodness...this is way too confusing!!!! but thankfully, i had already decided to wear the fake nails which i bought and also some hair wax to enhance and beautify my curly and straight hair...but it's my going to be my first time using hair wax...i should really get down and practice the technique one of these days before the lunar chinese new year...otherwise my hair might not be the intended style i wanted it to be! anyway...i still haven't decided what to wear...seriously...i nearly forgotten that i wanted to buy a hair band to hold my curly hair on chinese new year! should really buy it or otherwise i will surely forget it..i am really forgetful in some ways....

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Bought it...

after running over to so many shopping centres and shops, i can happily announce that i had bought my chinese new year clothes!!! finally!! well....actually i do not intend to buy the style that is totally'IN' now but all the stores i been too are selling this kind of style leaving me no other choice...when my mother saw what i bought, she was tad worried about me not going to wear it when it is 'OUT' but i assured her that i will continue to wear it....besides i don't think that it will become 'OUT' so quickly but then again, fashion styles are unpredictable. so that left me to buy a hairband.....and recently i am searching for a good japanese book/software to learn japanese! hope that i will find one...i had started to learn to play hokage funeral!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

shopping frenzy...

yesterday's shopping was off with a great start. i went to the place my friends recommended and its was whoa! there's just so many clothes, shoes and bags stores there! although it's definitely crowded there and i spent most of the time trying to get to get through the crowd, i can say that i don't regret spending my time at there. what's more, it's boots heaven there! lots of different kinds of stalls selling different kind of boots with a wide range of style and prices. if i want to buy boots, i will certainly go there. overall, the price for clothes there are quite reasonable considering that it's not over $30 but the quality of the clothes seems to be poor as the material used for some clothes are those kind of stretchy materials that will lose its elasticity after several wash while for some other clothes, the material used is quite thin thus it will be easily wear down if not handled properly. besides this, all the stalls clothes seems to be more or less the same IN style so if you do not want to wear the same thing which everyone is currently wearing, i suggest you not to go there. but if you do keep your eyes open, you might find several great buys that is unique and of good quality. i did buy one pair of shorts($7.20) and a very cute skirt($22) there for casual wear and personally, i think that it is quite a good buy for considering its quality, it was quite a bargain. but unfortunately, i didn't buy any ideal chinese new year clothes as like i say before, the patterns are more or less the same and i didn't find any items which i really like it enough to make it those clothes suitable for a special occasion. i guess that you can say that i am very picky about what i am wearing for the clothes must be comfortable to wear, the colour doesn't run, washable using washing machine, i must really like it and it must be practical. quite a handful of criteria don't you think? anyways, i am going to be going shopping on my own for new year clothes i like. i reckon that it will be a busy day for me for i had already planned several places to go to to look for clothes. just wish me luck will ya?

Saturday, February 03, 2007

i want to have a style of...

as i told you all before in my last post, i went to my nearby mall to look for chinese new year clothes but unfortunately, after looking at all the clothes, i don't think that they are suitable... -_- even so, i can say that i had bought two new pair of shorts so that i wouldn't always be wearing the same 3/4 crop pants when meeting my friends! but those shorts are only for casual wear and not for chinese new year! even so, i am thinking of getting a skirt perhaps...something fun, bubbly and just so youthful! no revealing clothes please! sexy is so not me! i prefer casual wear but for the sake of times when i suddenly want to be more girly(not wearing shorts), i shall wear skirts...if you do know me well, you find that i don't wear skirt that much...maybe only once or twice a year not counting school uniform of course! i am going to a place further away from my home to shop for clothes...i heard from my friends that the clothes there are cheap and nice....hopefully it's true and the colours don't run!^^

Friday, February 02, 2007

New Clothes!

new clothes new clothes new clothes! please do excuse my maddness for i am just simply too excited at the thought of getting new clothes! it's been months since i had been getting any new clothes so perhaps that's why i am so excited about it. most of my clothes had been worn for at least a year and some i can't even fit into it...maybe it's because that i had grown fatter? i hope not...haha~then again, i am way to skinny. i am underweight!!>.< anyway, i am going to my nearby shopping mall to search for new year clothes! i am still wondering which line i want to go. i mean like hard rock, punk, girly...well you get the picture. but for sure i am going to put hair wax on my hair to make my hair more neat, tidy and fabulous! hope that all goes well! =^.^=