Sunday, February 04, 2007

shopping frenzy...

yesterday's shopping was off with a great start. i went to the place my friends recommended and its was whoa! there's just so many clothes, shoes and bags stores there! although it's definitely crowded there and i spent most of the time trying to get to get through the crowd, i can say that i don't regret spending my time at there. what's more, it's boots heaven there! lots of different kinds of stalls selling different kind of boots with a wide range of style and prices. if i want to buy boots, i will certainly go there. overall, the price for clothes there are quite reasonable considering that it's not over $30 but the quality of the clothes seems to be poor as the material used for some clothes are those kind of stretchy materials that will lose its elasticity after several wash while for some other clothes, the material used is quite thin thus it will be easily wear down if not handled properly. besides this, all the stalls clothes seems to be more or less the same IN style so if you do not want to wear the same thing which everyone is currently wearing, i suggest you not to go there. but if you do keep your eyes open, you might find several great buys that is unique and of good quality. i did buy one pair of shorts($7.20) and a very cute skirt($22) there for casual wear and personally, i think that it is quite a good buy for considering its quality, it was quite a bargain. but unfortunately, i didn't buy any ideal chinese new year clothes as like i say before, the patterns are more or less the same and i didn't find any items which i really like it enough to make it those clothes suitable for a special occasion. i guess that you can say that i am very picky about what i am wearing for the clothes must be comfortable to wear, the colour doesn't run, washable using washing machine, i must really like it and it must be practical. quite a handful of criteria don't you think? anyways, i am going to be going shopping on my own for new year clothes i like. i reckon that it will be a busy day for me for i had already planned several places to go to to look for clothes. just wish me luck will ya?

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