Friday, February 02, 2007

New Clothes!

new clothes new clothes new clothes! please do excuse my maddness for i am just simply too excited at the thought of getting new clothes! it's been months since i had been getting any new clothes so perhaps that's why i am so excited about it. most of my clothes had been worn for at least a year and some i can't even fit into it...maybe it's because that i had grown fatter? i hope not...haha~then again, i am way to skinny. i am underweight!!>.< anyway, i am going to my nearby shopping mall to search for new year clothes! i am still wondering which line i want to go. i mean like hard rock, punk, girly...well you get the picture. but for sure i am going to put hair wax on my hair to make my hair more neat, tidy and fabulous! hope that all goes well! =^.^=

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