Friday, February 16, 2007


ok, so i had gotten which clothes to wear sorted, but now....yet another can't really say that this problem just got my attention recently...but in fact, i had been pondering over this so called problem for some time now. starting from last year, i had already been wondering on what to do with my 'weird' hair. why do i say that my hair is 'weird'? well, perhaps it's because that my mother's hair is straight and my dad's hair is really curly(think of a bird nest)which doesn't sway when the wind blows so...combine both of their genetic properties together and you get me who has a curly fringe with straight hair at the back of my head. you be confused now right? to bad that is the best i can explain in order to give you a vision on how my hair looks like. so...the auntie who cut my hair advised me to buy a hair wax suitable for my hair so i went to buy the wax...i am abit nervous to try a new hair prodcut for this is the first time i am using a hair product! hopefully, i am able to get the style i want..wish me tons of luck...

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