Saturday, April 04, 2009

BoA to be released soon after it's release in U.S/BEST&USA release

I was sick with waiting around so I decided to find out the release dates with the help of Google. I was not entirely happy with what I had found but it was better than nothing.

Technically, the BEST & USA Japan edition is already out at HMV but with a expensive price, that's expected for Japan products. The BEST & USA 2CD+2DVD edition, at ¥5,300, it coverts to around Singapore $80. 0.0|||

It's best waiting for the overseas edition as it will be much cheaper than the Japan edition.

According to several websites, there's no exact date for BoA to be released in Asia but it's expected to be soon.

The self-titled album will also be released in Korea and Japan Wednesday and in China, Malaysia, India, Singapore and Thailand later.

Source: The Korea Times


[Translated version: BoA's debut album, "BoA", as an attempt to enter the United States markets, will be released in more than 10 countries such as China, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia. It will also simultaneously be available via more than 300 websites in 30 countries and regions, such as Asia, North America, Europe, Oceania.]

Source: GBoAfans

BoA is likely to have a concert tour in America in June too.

South Korea's top pop star BoA has unveiled a plan to make a concert tour of the United States in June.

In a recent interview with MTV Iggy in the U.S., BoA has selected Miami as her favorite destination for concerts.

BoA was quoted as saying, ``I like New York but I really want to go to Miami. Miami looked nice in the movie, like a paradise.''

In mid-March, BoA released her first U.S. album amid high expectations that she will be able to reenact her success story in Japan in the world's largest album market.

The album contains 11 songs including flagship song "I Did It For Love," and dance tracks "Energetic," "Eat You Up," and "Look Who's Talking." The flagship song was written by Sean Garrett, the famous American producer, and its video was directed by Joseph Kahn, who has made promos for Britney Spears, Chris Brown and Eminem and won the Best Video of the Year and Best Direction in the 2002 MTV Video Music Awards.

BoA's album ranked 127th in the Billboard 200 Album Charts announced on March 26. It was the first time that a Korean singer had entered the Billboard chart.

Source: BoA's House

Plus, BoA's ranking of #127 in the Billboard 200 Album Charts was even better than Utada's best ranking of #160! That was quite surprising indeed.

Thus, unlike what many thought that BoA will not be released as an individual unit in Singapore, it will be, only that we will have to wait for a little while more.

However, frankly speaking, to get BEST & USA 2CD+2DVD will be a better choice if you want all the hits as well as the latest single songs and also her USA album.

After doing a search via the trusty Google, I had found some information on the exact release date for BEST & USA. That's better since as compared to BoA which has no definite date for release, BEST & USA is stated to be release on Thursday, 9 April 2009.

That's right!

BEST & USA is stated to be release on Thursday, 9 April 2009.

I had found this piece of delightful information from Avex Asia Website.

Refer to picture below as prove. Look at the upcoming release section and you will see BoA-BEST&USA.

Click to enlarge.

According to the others, unlike Avex Taiwan which only took care of its market, Avex Asia will distribute it all over Asia. I certainly hope so! If that's so, then I can expect BEST&USA 2CD+2DVD in stores on Thursday, 9 April 2009!

What a coincidence by the way, that I happen to go out on that day. All the better to get it the moment it arrives! =D

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