Monday, April 06, 2009

Where's my sound???

It's incredibly frustrating for me, to turn on the computer, launch Windows Media Player, happily playing the sounds that I love to listen to, then when I visit any websites that includes flash videos,e.g. YouTube, the videos are working fine but there's no audio at all.

From the comments, I deduced that it's to be my computer at fault as nobody else had complained on the lack of audio.

That was perplexing indeed. After all, all the music programs were playing out the audio without any problem. The problem only occur when flash videos are at work.

I checked my computer for mute, tinkering around with the volume control and speaker. I even pulled out the speaker and re-install everything. The problem was not solved.

That aggravate me. I decided to consult the help the of the mighty Internet. With a search, I found a website with instructions. I followed it and after that, I restarted my internet browser.

Thank goodness for that website! It works! The sound starts to flowing out of my speaker again.

The problem reoccur today. I decided to try the same thing again. It does solve the problem. However, I don't know what I will do if it doesn't work anymore...*sigh*

Ever since this problem occur, I started to be grateful whenever audio starts playing the moment I enters somebody's website. Although the music might not be my liking, at least I still have sound coming out of my speakers...

The website can be found here.

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