Wednesday, April 08, 2009

New blog skin!

Hi ya everyone!

I am sure that you should have notice it the moment you came into this little blog of mine. If you didn't you should really go and see a doctor to get your eyes checked!

I have finally changed my blog skin. That's right! After using that Gaara blog skin for more than a year, it's getting as little deary here so I have decided to search for my new blog skin.

Initially, I had wanted to get an Inuyasha blog skin but I couldn't find one that I love. I remembered that there used be pages and pages of Inuyasha blog skin so imagined my surprise when I saw that there were only four or five pages of Inuyasha blog skins!

I couldn't find any Doraemon blog skins that I really love either.

Oh well...

Thus, when I saw this really cute Tsubasa Chronicle skin, I just had to get it! The image is Sakura and Syaoran when they were young. aren't they cute?

I have changed the song of the blog from Hero by Mariah Carey to Bittersweet by Within Temptation. Bittersweet is a really beautiful song and I hope that you people will agree with me after you have listened to it! =D

As compared to my last blog skin, this is a more cheerful and colourful one. What do you think about it? Please do tag at my tag board and tell me what you think!



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