Friday, April 03, 2009


I popped into the CD-RAMA today and just as I had guessed, there's no sight of BoA even though it was already released in Taiwan. Expected but yet, I was disappointed. After all, if BoA does come to shores, it does means that BEST & USA 2CD+2DVD edition will be following it's tracks soon. I shall wait until Tuesday, April 7, 2009, which is the date for the physical album release in Canada. Sure, Canada is so far away but still, if BoA doesn't reaches the shore soon, it means trouble for us fans. I hope that BEST & USA isn't exclusive for sales in Japan only. After all, the Best of Soul was available in Singapore.


The scorching heat is almost unbearable! My house feels like an oven and I can't do anything about it since with air-condition means rising electricity bills. It was even worse outside. You can't do without an umbrella these days with the blisterig heat from the Sun. I had just ate a ice-cream but it doesn't actually quench my thirst as I had hoped for. Perhaps a cold drink would be better but except for milk, there's none other choices to choose from. I do drink milk but sadly, the milk carton doesn't belong to me and if I do finish it, I would have to replace it. With my current state, I wouldn't want to spend more money on stuff since I am almost broke.

So it's back to plain, warm water for now.

I didn't sleep well this past few nights either. With the heat (I sleep with only the fan on) and the too thick blanket, it's hard to fall into a peaceful sleep. I get awoken easily, and now, even before my mother's alarm clock ring at 5.30am, I lay there, awake, waiting for the time to pass, until my brother had left for school which is around an hour later. That's when finally I will get a little sleepy and slowly drift back into sleep for another three hours before I get up and start my day.

My mother commented that if the day goes on with this unbearable heat, she will on the air-condition in the night. I do hope so.

I don't want another restless night again...


The comforts of the cooling air-condition!

Yes, I know that it's not earth friendly but still, it's better than losing sleep over it.

I am sorry, Mother Earth.

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